Thursday, July 08, 2004


Are You In Or Are You Out?

Mike Signorile's back at it again, dancing all over the prospect of outing gay Congresspersons who vote on the FMA.

I've long been torn about the prospect of "outing." On one hand, it is a person's choice to make about whether to come out, and some of these people are in positions where it would be wholly uncomfortable. Then again, some of these people are utter hypocrites. Upon being outed, Phyllis Schlaffly's son claimed that the "family values" movement bore no particular animus towards queers, which is somewhat like saying, "Y'know, the Crusaders were really nice to the Muslims in Jerusalem." And I have long suspected that Sean Hannity trolls at sex clubs, and I would love to see that odious fuck self-destruct gloriously.

But, in the end, it comes down to one thing: It's Mike Signorile doing the outing. And, since I find Signorile to be a pretentious jackhole the rest of the time he talks politics, I don't think I should make an exception in this case.

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