Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Down in the Ground Where the Dead Despots/Martyrs Go
Israel is at a loss on what to do with Arafat's corpse once he kicks it. While he's expressed wishes to be buried at Al-Aqsa, the Israeli government doesn't want him buried at Al-Aqsa, because that would somehow mean Palestinian gains in the region. However, if Arafat isn't buried at Al-Aqsa, the Palestinians will throw a shit fit, Hamas will take over, and the Israeli government will eventually placate the Palestinians by burying Arafat somewhere that's technically Jerusalem, but not really.
May I make a novel suggestion? I know it sounds like stating the obvious, but why not bury him, oh, at Al-Aqsa? That way, the Palestinians are happy, the Israeli government avoids increased suicide bombings, further unity between moderate Israelis and moderate Palestinians is engendered, and there aren't as many icky hypotheticals.
May I make a novel suggestion? I know it sounds like stating the obvious, but why not bury him, oh, at Al-Aqsa? That way, the Palestinians are happy, the Israeli government avoids increased suicide bombings, further unity between moderate Israelis and moderate Palestinians is engendered, and there aren't as many icky hypotheticals.