Wednesday, July 14, 2004


Won't Someone Please Think of the... Child?

Courtesy of the Independent Gay Forum.

So, apparently, Maggie Gallagher has found that children of same-sex parents are really, really unhappy, and therefore there shouldn't be gay marriage. Now, I want you to read that article, then come back to me. I'll wait.

Good. You're done? Now, did you notice anything? No back-up data from reports on the subject? No back-up testimony from any adoption counselors or firms? No- oh, I don't know- testimony from any other children of gay parents?

Ms. Gallagher's thesis seems to be that she's found one child who came out of the gay child-raising process resentful and sullen towards her parents, and therefore the whole thing should be scrapped. By that logic, given the vast number of brooding rock stars who apparently had miserable childhoods being raised by their heterosexual parents, we should all just render ourselves sterile so that our non-existent children don't turn out horribly fucked up. Jesus.

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