Sunday, August 08, 2004


GOWP: The Grand Old White Party

And no, I'm not referring to a new addition to the party circuit that takes place in Kansas. I'm referring to James Hart, the GOP candidate in Arkansas who believes that the "less-favored races" should get the fuck out of America- and who, incidentally, happened to win the Republican primaries there.

The strange part is, I haven't really heard the mainstream media making a fuss about this. Nothing from CNN, nothing from MSNBC. And the really strange part is, I haven't heard the conservative media denouncing it, either. Sure, it's a recent article, but a brave visit to the bastion of rapid-fire conservatism that is the National Review blog picked up nothing (well, except for a bunch of crap tossed at Kerry, gays, pro-choice women, etc.).

Now, there's no way this fuckstick's getting elected. He's the next Jean-Marie Le Pen; everyone's going to stand up and say, "Fuck, that guy got the vote?" and rush to the voting booths in favor of someone else faster than a cattle stampede. My main problem is, in an era where both parties are allegedly so accepting of blacks, and the GOP is arguing that the Democrats are taking advantage of the black caucus, why the hell aren't more people standing up and denouncing this nutter, especially Republicans? Because let me tell you: if this becomes a major news item and backfires- well, it will backfire, of course, and in splendid fashion- and no one in the GOP stood up and denounced it beyond the local level, well, there's gonna be a lot of egg on a lot of faces.

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