Tuesday, September 21, 2004


The Trouble With "Ex-"es

Okay, everyone, I want to use this opportunity to talk about ex-gays. Personally, I think that this ex-gay thing is a whole lot of bunk. It's just a temporary system of denial with a high rate of relapse.

But does that mean that I don't think churches should endorse it? No. If a church believes that homosexuality is a sin, it can certainly say that. I may not agree with it, but a church can fully say that gayness is a sin that can be conquered.

However. The main reason I don't really like these programs is because saying that homosexuality is a sin is rarely where these churches stop. Often, the same churches and organizations that endorse "conversion therapy" also claim that gays are all promiscuous, drug users, child molesters, prone to violence, etc. And every time I read through one of their "laundry lists", it's like I'm reading a checklist of everything I'm not.

So, "ex-gay" churches: You can say that gayness is a sin. Just don't try to throw in a bundle pack of sins while you're at it.

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