Friday, September 24, 2004


Well, It's About Fucking Time

The GOP has finally admitted that it did, indeed, send out flyers saying that liberals would ban the Bible and automatically institute same-sex marriage in elected. I just love this one woman's rationalization of the whole thing:

"When the Massachusetts Supreme Court sanctioned same-sex marriage and people in other states realized they could be compelled to recognize those laws, same-sex marriage became an issue,'' Ms. Iverson said. "These same activist judges also want to remove the words 'under God' from the Pledge of Allegiance."

Yes, of course! That automatically means that if anyone with any liberal tendencies is elected, there will be mass gay weddings and burnings of holy texts! There is a middleground, people.

Oh, and "activist judges are trying to get 'under God' out of the Pledge"? Will someone remind Ms. Iverson that when the Supreme Court was asked to rule on the legality of the issue, the case was dismissed in about a nanosecond? Not to mention judges don't get more "activist" than Roy Moore, who hauled a 5000-pound Ten Commandments statue into his courthouse in the dead of night after his higher-ups expressly forbade him to do so, but I don't see her bitching about that.

Once again, I don't hate Republicans. I probably would have voted for Arnold. But God, do I hate the people who run the Republicans.

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