Monday, October 11, 2004


I Return!

And I come bringing T-shirts!

So, Philly did, indeed, kick ass. Should I go to Haverford or Swarthmore, I will be going in every weekend on the train.

Saturday afternoon, right after we got in, we headed down to the Reading Terminal Market. If you have been to Philly and never gone here, then you are missing a piece of your soul. They have markets selling everything you can imagine: Turkish food, Amish preserves and meats, chocolate ears, and books so kooky and conspiracy-laden, the good folks at Disinformation would take one look at them and go, "No fucking way." I enjoyed a kebab sandwich at the aforementioned Turkish place, which brought back so many good memories of the donner kebabs that sustained my family during our backpacking through Germany a few years back.

Later, we met other members of the Cognito Clan, carrying their new brood around both outside and inside of their bodies. We walked, saw sights, drank (at two different places), and ate (at two different places).

Sunday... well, you already know about most of Sunday. After the whole block party thing, we went back to the hotel, told my little story to about half the Internet, and worked on my homework. Then we went out to dinner at the Continental. That was definitely a neat place. A lot of the style probably came prepackaged from Urban Outfitters, but it worked. The food was awesome, especially the Szechuan Shoestring Fries with a mustard sauce that regularly set my nostrils aflame.

Today we went to H & S for the interviews. They went swimmingly. Then we went on a journey that seemed to go on forever: to the rental car return, to the airport terminal, on the plane, to Manchester, off the plane, to the car, to home.

So, I'm finally back. Now if only I can work through the fuckload of homework my teachers gave me. Ouch.

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