Thursday, November 11, 2004


Arafat: "I'm Getting Better..."

Just kidding. Arafat is officially dead. Really. No, really. I swear. No, I haven't seen the body myself, but that's because I live in fucking Boston.

And boy, am I glad he's dead. Here's a man who did almost nothing to stop the actions of terrorist groups that he knew would blow up innocent Israeli citizens. I hope he roasts. At the same time, Sharon's a bit of a dick for not regarding a dying man's burial wishes. So, you can't bury him at Al-Aqsa because it will mean "Palestinian gains" in Jerusalem, huh? Well, excuse me for thinking that maybe, just maybe, that would win over a few Palestinian radicals to moderate thinking.

Meanwhile, Mahmoud Abbas, who actually recognized terrorism is bad, has been named as Arafat's successor. Here's hoping this will somehow contribute to an eventual peace. Which, at this rate, is somewhat like hoping that Jesus comes to your door selling Girl Scout Cookies.

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