Saturday, November 13, 2004


City of Copyright Infringements

Marvel sues City of Heroes for giving people the ability to make knock-offs of their heroes. Hmm. And yet, we haven't been sued by DC, Quentin Tarantino, Matt Groening*, or the guy who came up with The Tick**. I wonder why.

Oh, yeah; because they know it's a fucking video game. None of these characters are central to the game; they're just developed by the players. The central point of the game isn't, "Create your own Marvel(TM) superhero." It's "create your own superhero."

Oh, and by the way, Marvel: You know that whole Avengers Disassembled stunt you pulled? Yeah, it sucked penguin cock. So I think you have more pressing issues than what your fans want to do to your characters. Can't be any worse than what you do.

*Yeah, really; I saw a Lucy Liu-bot on the Victory Server.
**Along with an Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight.

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