Friday, November 12, 2004


Hitmen for Xenu

You know, I didn't really need any more evidence that Scientology is batshit crazy, but this will do nicely:

Scientology is highly opposed to homosexuality, teaching
that if a homosexual cannot be reformed, he should be "disposed of,
quietly and without sorrow" (L. Ron Hubb[a]rd, "The Science of Survival").

That's right, folks; the founder of Scientology advocated taking "unreformable" gays out back and shooting them. I think I love Germany just a little bit more now.

Well, Christianity and Judaism also suggest tht homosexuals need be put to death as well (Lev. 18-13).
Lego interpretation of said verse
Yeah, I know. Then again, that was a book of laws put forth by a community to distinguish itself from the other tribes, not the distinct Word of God (despite what the Christian right says). L. Ron Hubbard, on the other hand, is pretty much the Voice of Xenu, and therefore bitch crazy.
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