Thursday, December 02, 2004


And Salt the Earth So Nothing Gay Can Grow in It

Rep. Gerald Allen of Alabama wants to pass a bill saying that any state institution will be barred from holding any play/book/movie with positive gay themes. And what, pray tell, will happen to books like A Streetcar Named Desire and Angels in America once the law comes into effect?

When asked what the state would do with the books once the law's in effect, Allen replied: "I guess we dig a big hole and dump [the books] in and bury them."

Well, that's just impractical! Everyone knows that if we bury them, the gayness will get into our water supply, and then our precious bodily fluids will be tainted.

If this bill does get passed, then Allen's gonna have a little obstacle; I'm gonna go on down to Dixie, and pull myself an Arthur Dent.

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