Friday, March 25, 2005


The Long, Suffocating Arm of the Law

Dear unmarried straight couples of Ohio:

I'm not here to gloat. I'm not here to say, "I told you so." I'm not here to say that you should've read between the lines before you said yes to stopping those icky queers from getting married.

What I'm here to say is this:

We're in the same boat now.

The people who put forth these laws don't want to recognize the fact that our relationships exist. They don't want us to be able to visit each other in the hospital, they don't want us to be able to make medical decisions for our partner-- and they don't care about whether we suffer at our partner's hands. Because, in their minds, we don't exist.

So, for this I say: I forgive you for everything you did before. This time. But if you do it again, I might not be so friendly. We have to stick together from here on out, and tell the people above that yes, actually, we do exist.

It was actually Ohio, not Oregon, and I only know this because it makes reason #374 Why I Should Renounce Ohio As My State Of Birth. And that's only since I started keeping track last November.

I swear, I am THIS CLOSE to wearing a "Who Would Jesus Hate?" t-shirt. Except I'm now in Texas, where I think you can be legally shot for that.

Love your blog, BTW. I recognize you from TWoP. :)
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