Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Meow Meow Bang Bang

Please... somebody tell me that this is a joke. Please tell me that there is not some fuckstick who thinks there should be a law allowing him to shoot at domesticated cats on sight.

First of all, his argument sucks. "The cats need to be killed because they attack the birds at my feeder." This, Mr. Smith, is called the circle of life. We kill and eat anything that does not poison us or cause us to break out in hives, and cats occasionally kill birds. Second of all, if the cats always keep coming back, how about moving the birdfeeder to a non-cat accessible area (my younger brother, in an ornithologist phase of life, preferred a hanging birdfeeder)? Or, if you still want to observe nature's avian beauty at eye-level, how about springing for a have-a-heart trap before shooting at Kitsy?

And third- and here's the most important part- "shoot on sight"? Does said sighting include, oh, I don't know, the cat's collar? What happens if one shoots a cat that isn't feral? Hopefully, they get sued out the wazoo.

If anyone needs me, I'll be clutching my cat protectively.

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