Wednesday, May 25, 2005


And By "Authority", I Mean "Desire"

Scott Bloch says he has no authority to enforce a ban on sexual discrimination against gay people. This, mind you, is the man who took a page out of the Ministry of Truth's handbook when it came to the OSC website's description of job protections, then jumped genres and employed a catch-22 as an explanation ("you can't be fired for being gay, but if you are fired for being gay, you can't seek help"). And this order came from Bush, the very same "marriage is between a man and a woman" Bush. And what is Bloch's little explanation for all this?

"It is binding on me," Bloch said, "but it is not something I can prosecute in my agency. . . . I am limited by the enforcement statutes that you give me."

Hey, Scott? Who said anything about prosecuting? A man in your office fires a guy because he's gay, and the gay guy has rock-solid evidence, you fire the bigot's ass. It's not about courts, it's not about Congress, it's not about the justice system, it's about you.

It takes a very, very stupid man to keep passing the buck when the President of the United States tells him to get off his ass and do the job he gave him.

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