Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Black Fool's Gold
We've almost hit the oil peak, according to some experts. From here on out, oil's going to be harder to get at. Prices will go up, inflation will strike, and wars will break out for what's left.
That is, of course, unless people break from oil as a major energy source and fully embrace alternative energy. The wind farm out on the Cape is pretty much a given (and will now run cheaper, due to base closings that have freed up land for the farm), and nuclear energy has limitless potential if handled with caution. I believe that when the peak hits, we'll be able to ride it out.
And if not? Well, I have been looking into job options in a pre-industrial society, just in case. Father Cognito thinks I'd make a good shaman.
That is, of course, unless people break from oil as a major energy source and fully embrace alternative energy. The wind farm out on the Cape is pretty much a given (and will now run cheaper, due to base closings that have freed up land for the farm), and nuclear energy has limitless potential if handled with caution. I believe that when the peak hits, we'll be able to ride it out.
And if not? Well, I have been looking into job options in a pre-industrial society, just in case. Father Cognito thinks I'd make a good shaman.