Tuesday, May 10, 2005


It's Nowhere Near as Alliterative, But...

Shakespeare's Sister delivers a delicious smackdown to the new Dixiecrats, the "Phobocrats", Democrats who aren't that comfortable with helping the icky gay people.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I will stay in this country as long as one of the major parties supports gay rights. My personal "flee for Canada" moment is when the Democratic Party drops gay rights from its platform. I may support a lot of the same issues as the donkey party, but the minute the party as a whole regards me as something less than human, I'm out of here.

Needless to say, the above article does not help matters.

Oh, yes; we are about to be abandoned by the Dems, too. Canada is too cold; I'm looking at Costa Rica.

By the way, I just got my computer back and it's nice to have your address again.
Nice to see you again, Mrs. Astor.

Skyblade: Yeah, that's a bit of a problem. Hell, Bill "I Totally Did Have Sexual Relations With That Woman" Clinton was the one who came to Kerry days before the election and suggested he drop gay rights from the platform.
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