Monday, May 02, 2005


Raise High the White Flag

I don't know how true this is, but God, I hope it isn't. According to Ynetnews (among other sources), Rumsfeld allegedly visited Saddam Hussein in captivity two weeks ago, and offered him a deal: go on TV and denounce the insurgency, and he can go free. Saddam rejected the offer.

If this is true, we need to get out. Now. Bring home the troops. Give the Iraqi police a pat on the back. The war is over, and we have lost.

Seriously. Look at this shit. Look at this shit. What are we anymore? If we're supposed to be the great uniting force for peace and protection of the little guy in the world, then why did we use all sorts of torture on those merely suspected of terrorism, and why is no one being held responsible?

And conversely, let's say we're not a global guardian. Let's say we're justice, unceasing, unmerciful, and bloody violent. We have a man who spent years suppressing the freedoms of his own people, who gassed his enemies, who looked the other way while his sons abducted and raped women. We've finally put him before some body where he can finally experience the hot taste of justice.

And now we've actually considered letting him go?

I know the world is a messy place. I know that sometimes, deals must be made with the Devil, and people must be screwed over. This is not calculated planning to that effect, though. This follows no prerogative or moral code I've ever seen.

This is desperation. Plain and simple

The people of Iraq have won a democracy. But if this story is real, then we have lost ourselves.

Yeah, that's a good idea. After all, one of the sources was al-Jazeera. And I'd really like to believe that we're smarter than that.

...says the man who's heard Rumsfeld say, "You go to war with the Army you have, not the Army you want."
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