Tuesday, May 24, 2005


X-treeeeme Intolerance!

So, here's something that should make your soul shrivel up and die: the fruit of James Dobson's loins has had his work published.

Ryan Dobson's prior book, To Die For: The Dangerous Truth About Following Christ, tried to blend "extreme" youth culture (e.g., skateboarding, wrestling, skydiving) with evangelical Christianity. Kind of like Stephen Baldwin, but with a dad who spits out vaguely Naziesque statements about how an entire minority group's actions will bring about the end of civilization.

Now, Ryan has a new book out, and it is sure to be as "extreme" as his other opuses (opi?). What is it titled, you may ask?

Be Intolerant: Because Some Things Are Just Stupid.

I will repeat that for you: a man, who claims to be a Christian, and who is the son of a man who claims to be one of America's biggest Christians, has put out a book that is effectively titled, "Hate People Who Are Different; It's Cool!"

This makes the baby Jesus cry. Hell, it makes the adult Jesus cry, too.

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