Thursday, May 19, 2005


You Can Do It With a Mule in a Big-Enough Stall...

...but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all*.

I'd like to point out the fact that a man who regularly calls for the arrest of gay men has admitted to humping "anything wet and warm and [moving]." Shakespeare's Sister says it best: people like Horsley really believe that they have no true internal restraint for their actions, no voice that says, "Uh, I don't think it would be a good idea to tap that domesticated farm animal ass," that cannot be drowned out by their raging ids. Ergo, they must rely on an external body to punish them for being irresponsible, and thus punish all others who are actually being responsible in their actions. I'm not the biggest libertarian mascot, but come on.

*Did you really think I was going to make it through this story without a reference to the Discworld's most popular drinking song?

If the men with a prediliction for such "companionship" are actually pigs themselves, is it still bestiality?


PS. Merci beaucoup for the link. You're a peach.
Hmm. I think we got the makings of a good koan right there.
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