Thursday, June 16, 2005


Does It Feel Hot in Here?

I visit the Reason website often. I don't agree with everything they say (hell, I almost hoarfed into a wastebasket when they described Janice Rogers Brown as their "perfect Supreme Court Justice"), but they do have good articles, and I like their opinions on most social issues.

My one main bone of contention, however, is Ron Bailey. He's Reason's in-house science expert. At least once a month, you could expect an article out of him saying, "Global warming is a sham!" Whether it be support for Michael Crichton's State of Fear, or talking about how a few degrees doesn't really matter, he's always been one of global warming's quickest critics.

And then it turned out to be a real threat. And it's been four days since that article went up, and I still haven't seen a "Sorry, I goofed" post from Bailey. Sure, there's an article on how universal health care will hamper progression in the medical field, but nothing on global warming.

Maybe he hasn't seen it. I don't know. All I ask for when I get news from someone, though, is that they apologize when they screw up.

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