Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Out of Order

Human Events Online, an uberconservative online rag, has put together a list of the top ten "most dangerous" books of the past two hundred years. Of course, it has enough flaws in it to be deemed both inaccurate and risible (what the fuck did Darwin do to you?), but what speaks the most about it is, of all the books of the 19th and 20th century, they failed to include one book.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the forgery by members of the Russian secret police that painted Judaism as an organized conspiracy aiming for nothing less than the complete annihilation of Christianity. The book was created to encourage pogroms in tsarist Russia, and ended up inspiring both Henry Ford and Adolf Hitler. And where is it on that list? Nowhere. Sure, they put up Mein Kampf, but that's the madness, not its source.

It's entirely too telling that Human Events Online deems books about protecting the environment, sexual liberation, dangers in the automobile industry, evolution, and a woman's right to seek out her own life as works that embody the utmost dangers to society above a book that led to the Holocaust.

Indeed. "Well, we can't look too reactionary and fearful of straw men... why don't we throw a bone to the Nazis?"
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