Friday, July 15, 2005


No Jokes This Time

A man beat his three-year-old son to death because he thought he might be gay.

He. Thought. His. Three. Year. Old. Son. Might. Be. Gay. So he "slap-boxed" with him, to see that he wasn't a "pansy".

Obviously, the guy was a few pancakes short of a stack. But what kind of world do we live in where a guy is so afraid that his son is gay that he doesn't care if he's hurting him?

Speaking of which... "Zach"'s dad is defending sending his son to an "ex-gay" camp where the participants are urged to kill themselves if they don't get it right. Of course, Dad won't let things like logic and his son's own feelings get in the way:

“We felt very good about Zach coming here because… to let him see for himself the destructive lifestyle, what he has to face in the future, and to give him some options that society doesn't give him today,” Stark told CBN. “Knowing that your son... statistics say that by the age of 30 he could either have AIDS or be dead.”

Once again, people: Paul Cameron did not get kicked out of the APA because he was just too cool for them. He was kicked out because he extrapolated data from ridiculously low sample populations. My Psych teacher would've ripped off his head and screamed down the hole if he tried to pass that crap off as a realistic study.

Remember, kids: better dead than... gay.

i just want to be sick after reading this.
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