Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Reading is Evil!

Do any of these goatfuckers actually read the Harry Potter books before they go bitch crazy about them?

"The things that concern me about the Harry Potter series," the preacher and Christian publisher notes, "are things like sacrificing animals and emphasizing power, regardless of good or evil. Or offering up blood sacrifices, and things like boiling what seems to be a baby alive in a cauldron, or being possessed by demons -- these are not things that we want to have our children subjected to."

Right, because we all remember that moment in The Order of the Phoenix where Hermoine stabs herself in the cooch with a crucifix and starts spewing pea soup. "Emphasizing power, regardless of good or evil"? I think J.K. Rowling's made it pretty fucking obvious what good and evil are. And as for the "baby boiling" and "blood sacrifices"... well, I can see where you'd get that out of Voldemort's "resurrection" ritual in The Goblet of Fire, but the book makes it pretty clear that those are dark magics, not to be practiced by anyone decent.

It's not about sorcery. It was never about sorcery. It's about the fact that kids are reading a book that tells them to question authority and decide what's right on their own, which is anathema to fundamentalist thought. Hell, if C.S. Lewis wrote that shit, they'd probably still oppose it.

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