Monday, July 18, 2005


Surveillance Nation

The Justice Department has officially announced that they have collected thousands of pages on leftist activism groups, such as the ACLU and Greenpeace. Oh, and here's an interesting tidbit:

The government did release one document it gathered on United for Peace and Justice that Romero said reinforces his concerns. The organization describes itself as a coalition of more than 1,300 anti-war groups.

A memo from Sept. 4, 2003, about Internet sites that were promoting protests at the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York was addressed to counterterrorism units in Boston, Los Angeles and New York.

That's right, folks; peaceful protests now equal terrorism.

Not only is this a frightening step backwards to the days of Hooverism, but it also says so much about the Bush White House. That being: they don't care about terror. What they care about, is those dirty liberals. The DHS expressed more concern for groups such as the Animal Liberation Front and the ELF while saying next to nothing about right wing groups, even though the head of Aryan Nations was reaching out to fucking al Qaeda. The Justice Department has spent hours that could have been spent tracking down terrorists and preventing attacks devoted to groups that save the whales and fight for the inalienable rights of everyone.

We have entered a state where real threats no longer matter, but perceived threats are everything. Someone stop the fiction.

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