Saturday, July 16, 2005


Two-for-One Self-Loathing!

I'm a little late to talk about this, but why the fuck is an openly gay man working for Santorum without having to bathe daily in holy water? Care to explain for yourself, Mr. Traynham?

Traynham went on to say "Senator Santorum is a man of principle, he is a man who sticks up for what he believes in, I strongly do support Senator Santorum."

Oh, principles! Y'know, the Klan has principles, too. Care to try again?

When pressed on whether he supported the Senator's stands on lesbian and gay issues, Mr. Traynham abruptly ended the phone call by saying "Senator Santorum is a family man. I have been with Senator Santorum for eight years and I am very proud to be with him."

Well, that certainly answers... absolutely nothing. You have to wonder: what drives a guy to end up working for a man who sees him as everything that's wrong with America? Some are saying it's a selfish grab for power, while others are saying delusion. I've gotta side with Pam on this one, though; I mean, the DNC is doing somewhere south of nothing to counter the renewed interest the RNC is taking in black voters. It's twisted, sure, but somewhat reasonable that Traynham would put race before sexuality.

I said "somewhat", of course. Because, really, if you want to support the Republican party, you have better people to work for than Sen. Frothy Mixture.

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