Friday, August 19, 2005


Leashes! I'll Use Leashes On My Progeny!

This man is, to put it briefly, fucked up. To draw it out: the man thinks that if he gives his kids one inch of space, they might become homosexual Satanist feminists. Oh, and he should drive all his kids to become baby-making machines, because in four generations, he might have enough offspring to take over a small African nation and rename it "Canaan."

Remember, kids; God wants nothing more than for us to all close our eyes and think of England.

i saw a really brutal use of child leashes the other day. an angry-looking man had them tied around the wrists of his girls, who looked to be about 5 and 8. much too old. old enough to be really f***ing embarrassed. he was dragging them along. describing it now, i feel guilty for not stopping to find out if he was actually a child molester.
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