Sunday, August 28, 2005


My Proudest Moment Was Putting an Endorsement of Psychic Surgery in The New England Journal of Medicine

Just great. I start thinking good things about Andrew Sullivan again, and then he goes and fucks it all up.

I know The Bell Curve has its apologists. I know there are people who claim that "the non-controversial parts", such as the ones about how we are currently living in an IQ-based meritocracy, still hold up (and if you really believe that one, I have a presidency to sell you). And yes, I know that the APA itself has argued that there are some differences between blacks and whites when it comes to IQ. But in the end, we have a book that, at its core, softly speaks out in favor of eugenics and closing our borders.

Yes, there's vague evidence that could be loosely construed to prove Murray's point. But there's also vague evidence of hundreds of things wrong with gay people like myself, and that doesn't make them true. And how would Andrew Sullivan feel if someone put a piece by Paul Cameron in The New Republic?

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