Saturday, September 10, 2005


And They're Hiding the Ark of the Covenant at the Camp!

Sometimes, my progressive brethren is just a bit too... exciteable. For example, a topic has shown up on concerning a FEMA "detainment camp" in Oklahoma, where the refugees are fenced in and not allowed to leave for months. Websites like Crooks and Liars (which I normally respect) fell upon this info.

Now, if it were true, it would be horrible. But that's the thing: if it were true. Because, you see, here's a sample of something else you might see on

Greetings, My sister-in-law is kinda psychic and told my wife and I that last night she had a dream about a nuclear attack on the US. Her dream was that she was in Virginia(she went to school there for the past 4 years and is going to a wedding, maybe, in August) and they quarantined everybody by keeping them at the school. She called her mom up here in NH and was told theat we were quarantined as well. The quarantine was to keep us safe from radiation. Background on my sis-in-law: She wouldn't normally use a word like quarantine, and she said she distinctly remembers the word quarantine.

So, you can see why I'm kind of doubtful about this whole thing. Now, if it were true, it would be disgusting and somewhat fascistic. But I'm going to wait until I get a more reliable, and less whack-ass, source to confirm it.

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