Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Little Man on Campus

Sorry for yesterday's silence. Unpacking is a long and arduous process.

So, I'm at Emerson. So far, it's pretty cool. Then again, classes don't start until next Monday, so you never know. My roommates are pretty interesting, too. One of them wants to do things just so he can have an interesting story to tell; one of his main goals during his stay at Emerson is to get in a fistfight with a transvestite hooker.

Last night's orientation ritual was... interesting. We watched a play featuring the Orientation Leaders where three Emerson students try to stop the thief who stole Paul Revere's lantern. The play featured cameo appearances by Harry Potter, Scooby-Doo and Shaggy, Captain Jack Sparrow, Lara Croft*, and a fleet of Disney characters. No, seriously. If Robert Anton Wilson thinks you can get high by reading Finnegan's Wake, then I think I got high, came down, and got high again just watching this thing. Oh, and then the culprit turned out to be... the Stranger. Because we had to read The Stranger over the summer. Oddly enough, this stranger, unlike Meursault, was a) American, b) female, and c) seemingly likeable.

I think I've gonna have a great time at Emerson. Not that it won't stop me from bitching about everything else.

*By the way, does anyone still care about Lara Croft? I mean, Tomb Raider: Legends has yet to come out, but this play namechecked the last Tomb Raider movie like it was a good thing.

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