Thursday, September 15, 2005


Reality Gets the House, and the Republican Party Gets the Car

Well, the papers have been notarized and signed by a judge, and now the GOP's divorce from reality is complete. First of all, we have Tom DeLay saying that the fat of the federal budget has been cut. So, where are we getting the money for that war of ours, Tom? I'm guessing the fae, seeing as it mysteriously vanishes at times.

Second of all, it turns out 76% of Americans want an independent panel to look into the Katrina response fiasco. Which would explain why almost every Republican in the Senate (save for the one who didn't vote) rejected said study.

The Republican Party and reality are officially split. I just hope reality gets child support.

Looking for proof of "No Child Left Behind" just look at the current GOP class.

Ignorant of the world around them...One and all. Or, if you prefer, "One Nation under Dumbya!"
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