Monday, October 31, 2005


But How Does He Smell?

The surgery went extremely well. I was out in the hospital within 30 minutes of the procedure, the bleeding stopped after two hours, and even though I'd expected to be out of classes for two days, I'm back at Emerson tonight.

I hung around the house for a few hours while making sure the bleeding had stopped. I caught up on Rome via OnDemand (because sometimes you need a visual experience that TWoP just can't provide), ate Chinese take-out with the rest of the family, and handed out candy to trick-or-treaters. Then, I came back.

The best part is, my nose doesn't look that different! I think it's because the septum was broken and rearranged to give the implant something to rest on back when it was put in, and it's held throughout everything. Which is cool.

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