Sunday, November 13, 2005


"Okay, Maybe It's Not Run By Homosexuals... But It's Still Run By Jews!"

Anyone who thinks Hollywood is some sort of gay paradise where those damn perverts force their values on an unsuspecting American public needs to be hit upside the head with a rolled-up copy of the latest Variety. When Alexander failed, Oliver Stone decided that it wasn't because a bloated misfire, but because it had The Gays in it. There's talk of making a biopic of Dusty Springfield's life without the bisexuality, because execs don't think it will sell. And here's what one Hollywood exec had to say about Brokeback Mountain:

The day Jake Gyllenhaal was cast in "Brokeback," the chatter around the industry was not about what a wise choice he'd made. "It's the most stupid move he could make," said one top producer over lunch that afternoon. "It'll alienate his teen-girl fan base and could kill his career. What a waste."

Ah, Hollywood. Where you can get caught with a hooker, or get caught with a transvestite hooker, or even rape a kid, and still have a career. But take a role as a gay man? Don't actors know that's unclean?

The sad thing is, these fuckers are responding to something that does not technically exist. They think a Bush victory automatically means that the homosexuals must be driven out like the Moors from Spain. Has working with the fantastic warped their minds so much that they have no idea of what is real?

There's a reason I want to be a screenwriter other than the multitude of ideas I want to get down and the obscene amounts of money. I want to put gay people on the screen who are normal. I want gay men who are just as ordinary as straight men, just as butch as straight men, and who have actual, long term relationships with their lovers, just like most straight men. And there are a lot of men who probably want the same thing. Unfortunately, I don't think there are many of them in Hollywood.

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