Saturday, November 19, 2005


Yeah, I Wasn't In The Shit

I propose a new law to describe the behavior of certain members of the Republican Party: the Cleland Corollary. This corollary states, "the amount of time one has spent in battle and sacrificed for the good of their country is inversely proportional to their patriotism."

Doesn't make sense, you say? Well, that's the GOP slime machine for you. You have Karl "Well, I'm a Veteran of the War For Hearts and Minds" Rove launching ads that compare Max Cleland to Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. You have half the GOP launching attacks on John Kerry for his service in Vietnam. And now, we have Jean Schmidt (R-Oh.), who has likely not come within five hundred feet of a firefight, calling Christopher Murtha a coward on the floor of the House.

They can give their lives and limbs to protect our lives and our freedoms, but don't even think about giving them a chance to change the world. That's the way of the modern GOP.

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