Saturday, January 14, 2006


Breakin' the Law! Breakin' the Law!

I've known for a while that the media in this country is in a steady state of decline. Some sense of balance, no matter what the circumstances, must always be presented. Take the fact that, after Deep Throat came out of the evidence cabinet, G. Gordon Liddy- a man who was part of the Watergate scandal- was on talk shows, utterly badmouthing the guy.

Now, we have Chris Matthews, one of the archpundits of the Media Elite, arguing about how maybe it's Bush's job to break the law. Now, if in the late '90s, when everyone was having a shit fit over Clinton lying about fellatio to the American public, I'd gone up to someone knowledgeable about world affairs and asked them whether or not the President of the United States had the sovereign right to assrape the Fourth Amendment, they probably would have laughed in my face, then spat on me for good measure. Now, the people we trust for news are basically saying, "Well, maybe it's not so bad."

Edward R. Murrow is doing the Macarena in his grave.

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