Friday, January 13, 2006


I Shed a Single Tear

Shakespeare's Sister has a post up about how Mrs. Alito's breakdown (which occurred during questioning by Lindsey Graham, R.-S.C.) is being construed by the media as, "Has politics gotten too harsh?" I have a message for the media: Where the fuck have you been?

John Derbyshire "jokes" about how Chelsea Clinton needs to be assassinated because she bears the Clinton "taint." Bill Clinton himself is accused of murder, lechery, and spousal rape. John McCain is attacked by people of his own party about his adopted Korean child. Bill O'Reilly calls for the arrest of everyone at Air America for being traitors. Karl Rove accuses every single liberal in the United States of wanting al-Qaeda to win. And the US media finally, finally stands up and notices that there's something very fucking wrong with public discourse... when the wife of a conservative Court appointee gets all teary at a question that's meant to help her husband's image.

Remember, people; just because people like Hillary Clinton don't cry in public doesn't mean that the shit thrown at them doesn't stink.

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