Saturday, March 05, 2005


What's a Wicked Game to Play?

And yes, I truly apologize for the lameness of that headline.

So, CBS has finally noticed the ongoing debate about video games and violence, and is having a series of interviews, first with Jack Thompson, and then a long stream of gamers, including Tim Buckley.

Now, I wonder who I'm going to side with. Could it be the author of one of my favorite web comics, who recognizes that there are gamers, like me, who have played GTA and not felt the need to beat a lady of the evening to death? Or could it be the "blame the media" lawyer who calls the entire video game industry "selfish and childish" and sends "fuck you" missives to any gamer who sends him a friendly e-mail about his position?

If you read that entire post and have not yet determined my position, then you aren't smart enough to post here anymore.

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