Friday, August 26, 2005


Has the Whole World Gone Insane?

A few months back, when Jerry Falwell went on a respirator, I said that I didn't think he was as bad of a guy as Pat Robertson or Jesse Helms. Instead of a man who tried to manipulate people through twisting Christ's words, I saw a man who had honestly had the shit scared out of him growing up, one who was traumatized by the idea that if he took one step out of line, God would strike him down on the spot. I saw a man with the potential to do good.

It looks like he's actually reaching that potential. Falwell has officially come forward and announced support for some protections for gays and lesbians. Sure, it's not like he's waving the gay pride flag over his head, but seriously, Pat Robertson would probably lick Satan's nutsack before doing something like that.

Of course, there's always the possibility that this is political jockeying, so I'm going to wait and see if this actually sticks. Still, it's a sign of something, to say the least.

Wow. I didn't believe it until I read it. It's a start.
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