Monday, March 20, 2006


How Dare Feingold Act Like a Democrat!

Digby nails it absolutely. The spin and bluster by Democrats who are too afraid to back up Feingold is what's going to cripple this party, not Feingold's own "extremism." There are people in the Democratic Party who think that we have to play nice with Bush and the rest of the Republican establishment, who think that codependence is the best way to get results.

Guess what, Democrats? The Republican establishment does not like you. Most of them will not until they can lead the Democratic Party onto the Senate floor on a leash. Karl Rove, the man behind the White House, shat on you publicly. Ken Mehlman, voice of the RNC, thinks that you're all clueless-- well, except for Joe Lieberman, who's two steps away from neo-con as it is. As Digby's quote from Grover Norquist shows, the Republican establishment won't be happy until the Democratic Party is saying, "You're my daddy."

Appeasement is not what America wants. It's what the powerbrokers of the Republican Party want. Don't give it to them.

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